polkaudio®the speakerspecialists®SurroundBAR@6000InstantHomeTheater™ENGLISHFRANCAISESPANOL•Ij@lj;Jriiit!'jtIII DOLBY:DIGITALI3DAUDIOP[]LKDIGITRLL
FAQ'S (FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS)MyTVdoes not have an optical output.Howdo I connectmyaudio?Youhave several options for connecting your audio:•
ANoteRegarding Wireless Performance:Like all wireless devices. your SurroundBar 6000 IHT may be susceptibletoRFinterference from such sourcesasmicrowa
SurroundBAR®6000Instant HomeTheater™polkaudio®thespeaker specialists®Contents • Contenus • ContenidoTVo..SurroundBar6000o33/4"H (9.53em)..35"
Visit www.polkaudio.com for informationonPolk Audio loudspeakersandelectronicproducts. Enter towinaFREEsubwooferat www.polkaudio.com{insertr-kalc:(&ap
PLEASE TAKE INVENTORYINSIDE YOUR SURROUNDBAR 6000 IHT CARTON:Please checktoensure you have everythinginyour PolkAudio®SurroundBar®6000 Instant Home Th
1 2345SOURCE LED GUIDE~(1\~0 0 0~...y'-SOURCE 1•0 0...FRONTSOURCE 2• •0...SOURCE 3• • •o 0=~ILJIIBAR CONTROLSFRONT PANEL:1.Learn-Putsthebarint
341 2e _...I IpolkaudioopoIkaudio'5REMOTE CONTROL1.Power(0I-Turnsonthe bar or putsitinstandby mode.2.Mute-Mutesand unmutes the soundcoming from t
Shelf mountedbarsitsinfront ofTVWall mountedbarNote: If you wall mount your SurroundBar, ensure that your wallanchors secure properly into the walland
HOWTOCONNECT YOURBARThisisreally easy too.Youlikely have many sources for youraudio signal: yourTV.your DVD player, or a cable/satellite box.Thebarisa
HOWTO OPTIMIZE THESOUNDWHENTVSPEAKERSAREONYoushould hear sound from thebar.If you don't, turnupthe volumeonthebarusing its volume control buttons
TROUBLESHOOTINGThe bar does not power on.• Ensure you have plugged the power supplyinto a live wall outlet.• Ensure thatallcomponents of the powersupp
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